Monday, August 26, 2019

Episode #68, "Solo?  Oh no!” is now available for your listening pleasure.  Find it on all of the podcasting apps and things. If you need help finding an app or thing, you’re on your own.

This week's episode is a totally normal episode.  Nothing out of the ordinary to see here!  No, sir, just the standard hijinks.  There's the opening and a check-in and then some listener questions are answered.  And does this run-of-the-mill episode end with an affirmation?  Probably!  Just par for the course, as we say here in the business.

Carl and Catfish will be performing at Rose City Comic Con on Friday, September 13th at 6:30 pm in Room 3 of the Oregon Convention Center. Come watch as they improvise things unrelated to the podcast!

You know the drill by now: make sure you subscribe to and rate the podcast on the apps and the things. Tell your friends and acquaintances and their friends and acquaintances.

Monday, August 19, 2019

Episode #67, "Oprah Says Ruminate,” is now available for your listening pleasure.  Find it on all of the podcasting apps and things. If you need help finding an app or thing, cluck cluck cluck.

In this episode, Carl meanders into an article that not only names the overthinking issues he's always dealt with but proposes to solve them in 5! EASY! STEPS! 

He practices on Catfish to see if it works before diving in himself. Listen as the boys solve their issues and never have to record again!

Carl and Catfish will be performing at Rose City Comic Con on Friday, September 13th at 6:30 pm in Room 3 of the Portland Convention Center. Come watch as they improvise things unrelated to the podcast!

You know the drill by now: make sure you subscribe to and rate the podcast on the apps and the things. Tell your friends and acquaintances and their friends and acquaintances.

Monday, August 12, 2019

Episode #66, "True Colors Don't Lie,” is now available for your listening pleasure.  Find it on all of the podcasting apps and things.

In this episode, our podcast personalities discover they have them. Personalities, that is.  Then they discover the concept of difference, and war is born upon this earth.

Or, Catfish reads from work printouts for about 40-50 minutes while Carl drifts in and out of consciousness. Take the True Colors personality test somewhere online if maybe you take the time to search for it and, by happenstance, end up on the same web page we did when we Binged it!  What, [Carl’s] not going to do it for you.

Carl and Catfish will be performing at Rose City Comic Con on Friday, September 13th at 6:30 pm in Room 3 of the Portland Convention Center. Come watch as they improvise things unrelated to the podcast!

You know the drill by now: make sure you subscribe to and rate the podcast on the apps and the things. Tell your friends and acquaintances and their friends and acquaintances.

Monday, August 5, 2019

Episode #65, "A Mind is a Terrible Thing to Mind,” is now available for your listening pleasure.  Find it on all of the podcasting apps and things. If you need help finding an app or thing, check the link in bio.

This week, Catfish asks for some therapist etiquette advice from, for some reason, Carl. Carl uses this opportunity to avoid helping and start a new segment.

Plus, a new segment!

Carl and Catfish will be performing at Rose City Comic Con on Friday, September 13th at 6:30 pm in Room 3 of the Portland Convention Center. Come watch as they improvise things unrelated to the podcast!  Even if you don’t live in Portland!  Or like the podcast!

You know the drill by now: make sure you subscribe to and rate the podcast on the apps and the things. Tell your friends and acquaintances and their friends and acquaintances.