Monday, September 24, 2018

Episode 19, "A meeting without ears...," is now available for your listening pleasure on the apps and things!

In this episode, we welcome our fourth guest, Leigh! Unlike Carl and Catfish, who are only in this for themselves, Leigh is actually HELPING people! She started a drop-in support group in Tucson called A Meeting Between the Ears that meets regularly.

She tells the boys what prompted her to start her group and what it is all about. Naturally, Catfish and Carl can't help but ruin it with their own brand of "improv" (short for "improvisation") and a spot-on British accent.

Check out for more info (on Leigh's group, not on "SHYprov," the boys' new improv group.)

You know the drill—make sure you #listen (obvs) AND #subscribe AND #rate (favorably, plz). Tell your friends who should be listening that they should, well, be listening.

Monday, September 17, 2018

Episode #18, "I wish I wished food came in pill form," is now available for your listening pleasure on all the apps and things.

In this ep, Carl and Catfish successfully discuss their respective relationships with food and dieting while skirting openly body shaming themselves.

This 👏 Took 👏 Effort 👏 People 👏

If you guessed that the boys are blaming their families for their food anxiety, then I have some oceanfront property I'd like to sell you. Is that how that saying works? Did I do it right?

Be a part of the show! Send us your favorite affirmations (or other #BS). Or send us questions. Or complaints. Or compliments. Or cantaloupe. Or coddled cream.

Be sure to #subscribe and #rate the show. And spread the word.

Wednesday, September 12, 2018



Episode #17, our first bonus episode, is now available for your listening pleasure at all the apps and places.

Remember how this is a self-help podcast where we help ourselves while entertaining you? Well, this ep is 💯 entertainment.

On this episode, Catfish and Carl guest-star on a semi-improvised game of Dungeons & Dragons at Rose City Comic Con in Portland put on by the Brass Bells Society.

Some of the audio is a bit spotty, but it's pretty good overall considering we recorded it on a phone.

Anyway don't forget to #subscribe and #rate and send us your favorite #affirmations (or other #BS). Tell your friends, spread the good word, etc, etc.

Monday, September 10, 2018

Episode #16, "Voluntarily Subjecting Yourself to Rejection," is now available for your listening pleasure in the places and the apps.

On this episode, Catfish and Carl welcome their friend, Natalia, to the show. Listen as they discuss the endless cycle of hope and rejection as it applies to performance art. They'll ask the age-old question, "Why do we do this to ourselves...?"

Do they have any answers? Are there any embarrassing stories? Who speaks French, and just how good are their recipes for toast? There's only one way to find out.

Be sure to #subscribe and #rate. Maybe leave a review? Tell a friend? Buy us a drink? Or a puppy?

Monday, September 3, 2018

Episode #15, "Cancer Problem," is now available for listening on the podcasting apps and locations.

In this very special episode, a beloved listener reaches out to Carl and Catfish with a problem (and a special request.) How will the boys respond?

And then the show brightens up with talk about routines as they relate to mental health. Yes, if you're wondering, donut availability IS discussed. I mean, obviously. And then it's affirmation time, baby, and a first for the show!

Be a part of the show! Send us your favorite (or most reviled) affirmations (or some other #BS). Or just send us questions or comments like Mrs. Mariam Dim did! Of course, be sure to #subscribe and #rate and tell all of your loved ones to listen along.

Finally, Carl and Catfish will be at Rose City Comic Con this weekend guest hosting a couple of panels (look for a separate post with those details.) Come say hi, or whatever it is people do in those situations.