Monday, January 28, 2019

Episode #39, "Apologies for Bringing Up Lawyers," is now available for your listening pleasure.  Find it on all of the podcasting apps and things.

Did you enjoy the live episode? Did you worry that the sound fidelity might not meet our usual standards? Did you want to hear Carl and Catfish talk about the live episode with lower sound fidelity than the live episode because Carl forgot to switch over the input for the recording software from the laptop's internal microphone to the professional-esque sound board? Then you will love this episode!

Also Catfish gets a title promotion with no additional pay or responsibilities.

You know the drill by now: make sure you #subscribe to and #rate the podcast on the apps and the things. Tell your friends and acquaintances.

Monday, January 21, 2019

Episode #38, "Live from Tucson Fringe Fest!," is now available for your listening pleasure.  Find it on all of the podcasting apps and things. If you need help finding an app or thing, check the link in bio.

We! Did! It! Live!

That's right, on Sunday, January 13th Carl and Catfish recorded a live episode at the 2019 Tucson Fringe Festival.  In front of a live studio audience and everything!  This is the boys’ first live podcasting episode *AND* the first podcast recorded in the history of Tucson Fringe! History, babyyyy!

There's quite a kerfuffle over the topic at hand as both Catfish and Carl prepared for different topics. Multiple guests join them on stage, but that doesn't make it much better.

But what if it did?

Finally, Catfish suggests they open up their relationship to other people. For the last week Carl has remained uncertain if this means Catfish wants to break up or be polyamorous. (He just wants Carl to stop being so controlling when Catfish is trying to listen to the 'I Am Rapaport’ podcast.)

You know the drill by now: make sure you #subscribe to and #rate the podcast on the apps and the things. Tell your friends and acquaintances.

Monday, January 14, 2019

Episode #37, "What do you want me to say?? (Pt. 2)," is now available for your listening pleasure.  Find it on all of the podcasting apps and things.

Continuing the suspense of last week's episode, Catfish delves into a specific conversation in which he was at a loss for how to move forward. Carl makes accusations and proceeds to withdraw them. Finally, that article mentioned in last week's description is actually discussed!

Thanks to everyone who came out for our live podcast recording at the Tucson Fringe Festival yesterday. It was a hoot-and-a-half!

(we're still waiting for that old dude to buy us drinks, though)

You know the drill by now: make sure you #subscribe to and #rate the podcast on the apps and the things. Tell your friends and acquaintances.

Monday, January 7, 2019

Episode #36, "What do you want me to say?? (Pt. 1)," is now available for your listening pleasure.  Find it on all of the podcasting apps and things.

Happy New Year! Your resolutions won't make you happy, according to Nate Silver's 538 Blog, but listening to this podcast might?  What a way to kick off our first episode write-up of 2k19, huh?

In this first half of a bombastic two-part episode (the second half for which you will only need wait a week for as opposed to the third season finale/fourth season premiere of Star Trek: The Next Generation episode “The Best of Both Worlds.”)  Obviously, duh.

In part one, Catfish opens up about having difficulty opening up to people. If you’re fretting about the possibility that Carl won’t talk too much about his trip to Hawaii, you clearly don’t know Carl, brudda.

Finally (or is it?!), the boys build some affirmations instead of just tearing them down!

You know the drill by now: make sure you #subscribe to and #rate the podcast on the apps and the things. Tell your friends and acquaintances, but please don’t tell Carl’s family.