Monday, August 27, 2018

Episode #14, "Mashed Cauliflower and Affirmations on Pinterest," is now available for your listening pleasure.

In this ep, Carl reveals one of his key motivators in starting the podcast. Meanwhile, Catfish threatens to withhold his favorite recipe from Carl until he starts following Catfish on Pinterest.

We also find out the HARD truth about big pharma and therapists who want to get people to come clean. Finally, class is in session: ART 80 (Remedial), that is.

Be sure to like, #like, #rate, and #subscribe. Tell your friends about this cool new podcast you've been listening to AND be a part of the show by sending us your favorite/most reviled affirmations (or some other #BS)

Monday, August 20, 2018

Episode #13, "Generic Dance Workout (Mainly to Latin Beats)," is now available for your listening pleasure at all the finest podcasting locations.

On this week's ep, we talk about exercise and well-being with our friend and second EVER guest, Michelle! She's a Generic Dance Workout* instructor here in Tucson, and even more challenging, a friend of Catfish's for 20 years. Yet, somehow, he's never been to one of her classes (and probably doesn't even know her middle name (what a jerk!))

Listen as we talk about those Presidential Fitness Challenges that all the coolest kids failed in the 80s (thanks, Gipper!) And Carl and Catfish shed the final shrouds of anonymity on air and reveal their surnames. Have fun, blackmailers!

Like, share, comment, rate, review, verb, verb, verb! Be a part of the show and send us your favorite #affirmations (or other #BS) or any other questions and comments.
*Compare to the active ingredients in Zoomba™

Monday, August 13, 2018

Episode #12, "Obese, the Doctor will see you now," is now available for podcast listening pleasure! Click on the LEARN MORE button.

In this chapter, Carl prepares to embark on new adventures while Catfish's DMs have been slid into. Plus, Carl realizes it's time to find a new doctor. Finally, there's some discussion about how to improve the self without being TOO hard on the self.

Be sure to subscribe and rate. And tell a friend. And wouldn't you like to be a part of the show?! You can do that anytime by sharing your favorite #affirmation (or other #bs) or sending us a question or comment. Maybe just a note? Let us know how you are and we'll tell you a secret.

Monday, August 6, 2018

Hey guys? Episode #11, "Drugs Make You Sleepy," is now up! Listen to it (but not before you finish reading this dumb teaser that it takes me so long to write for no good reason.)

You know how sometimes you just can't sleep? And you tell your doctor and she gives you the really dumb suggestion of watching a podcast with two yahoos in it and then you go to do it, only to realize that it's audio only but she very clearly told you to watch it and so you stay up all night wondering what the hell is happening and why does everyone you love always leave you? This episode is kind of like that. Maybe.

This episode is our first LOST EPISODE. I can't imagine that it will be the last. And sometimes THAT thought keeps me up at night. Additionally, there is hair talk in this week's episode. If you like it enough, maybe we'll make it a regular feature. And this week's affirmation is straight garbage (but we're still very thankful to whoever sent it in [did somebody send it in or did we pluck it from Pinterest? I can't remember])

Watch, subscribe, rate, spread the word, etc etc. Check the LEARN MORE button to listen.