Monday, March 2, 2020

Episode #92, “The End is the Beginning is the End”

Episode #92, “The End is the Beginning is the End,” is now available for your listening pleasure.  Find it on all of the podcasting apps and things, or just listen below.

The Smashing Pumpkins wrote two versions of a single song after Melancholy and the Infinite Sadness and released them as part of the highly acclaimed soundtrack for the terrible film Batman and Robin.  The first version, a high-energy rock anthem, won a grammy, and the second, a more downbeat electronica version with different verses but the same chorus, was mostly ignored.

This remained the case until it was used in an early trailer for another poorly received superhero flick, Zach Snyder's The Watchmen.  At the time, the use of a remixed version of a traditional rock song well known as a part of a similarly traditional caped crusader film signaled the deconstruction of the genre that many expected in Snyder's interpretation of the well-loved graphic novel by Alan Moore.  The movie struggled with audiences, but the song saw a resurgence of sales of the song, prompting the Pumpkins to bring it back into rotation on their tour that year.

In this episode, the boys discuss the end of the podcast, the beginning of a new podcast, or an ending altogether. /wiger

You know the drill by now: make sure you subscribe to and rate the podcast on the apps and the things. Tell your friends and acquaintances and their friends and acquaintances.

Monday, February 24, 2020

Episode #91, “Texas v. Johnson”

Episode #91, “Texas v. Johnson,” is now available for your listening pleasure.  Find it on all of the podcasting apps and things, or just listen below.

Better late than never, the boys talk Valentine's Day gifts and politics. Carl is proud of one of his accomplishments but gets hung up on being prideful.

You know the drill by now: make sure you subscribe to and rate the podcast on the apps and the things. Tell your friends and acquaintances and their friends and acquaintances.

Monday, February 17, 2020

Episode #90, “Can't Sleep, Clowns Will Eat Me”

Episode #90, “Can't Sleep, Clowns Will Eat Me,” is now available for your listening pleasure.  Find it on all of the podcasting apps and things, or just listen below.

Carl still can't seem to take care of himself. Seriously, go to the doctor. Catfish takes control of at least a portion of his medication regimen with positive results.  For now. They discuss sleep, and no one is better off.

You know the drill by now: make sure you subscribe to and rate the podcast on the apps and the things. Tell your friends and acquaintances and their friends and acquaintances.

Monday, February 10, 2020

Episode #89, “No One Likes Me When I'm Angry” is now available for your listening pleasure.  Find it on all of the podcasting apps and things, or just listen below.

Back from a short hiatus, the boys catch up on personal stuff. Then they discuss current events. And get M-A-D mad.

You know the drill by now: make sure you subscribe to and rate the podcast on the apps and the things. Tell your friends and acquaintances and their friends and acquaintances.

Monday, January 13, 2020

Episode #88, “Live from Tucson Fringe Fest 2020!” is now available for your listening pleasure.  Find it on all of the podcasting apps and things, or just listen below.

Recorded live at the 2020 Tucson Fringe Fest!  Were you there? (The answer is “No,” because I’ve seen the numbers)

This special episode focuses on [getting better at accepting] compliments. The boys finally learn what their friends said they were good at.  An audience is nearby.  And apparently, the recording picked up a local radio station in the background. Sorry!

Photo courtesy of Jenn Marie.

You know the drill by now: make sure you subscribe to and rate the podcast on the apps and the things. Tell your friends and acquaintances and their friends and acquaintances.

Saturday, January 11, 2020

via Instagram

Thanks, @shutterlust420, for this great shot! ARE YOU ALL SO TERRIBLY SAD YOU MISSED SHOW?